Downtown Yoga Festival

2020 Lineup  coming soon!


Below is our previous years line up!

Santosh Maknikar

Salt Lake City

Sarah Lindgren


Alan Seigel

Orange County, California

Laura Adona

Long Beach, California

Dr. Girish Kalva


Marisa Wolfe

New Maxico

Khushbir Singh

Salt Lake City

Daysha Hampton


Rob Wallace

Salt Lake City


Salt Lake City


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Saturday - July 21st 2018

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Gallivan Hall
Hatha Yoga - Asana, Pranayma & Dhyana
9:00 am - 10:30 am
by Santosh Maknikar

This class will focus on Htaha Yoga practice. It will include four limbs of Ashtanga Yoga 1. Asana 2. Pranayama 3. Dhyana 4. Dharna1. We will start the class with Sukshm Vyayam followed by Surya Namaskar ( Sun Salutation). 2. Once prana starts flowing into our body we will practice 30-35 Asanas specially designed to let go physical, mental and emotional impurities and open ourself and enjoy the happiness (Santosha) 3. We will practice three important pranayama's ( Breathing techniques). 4. We will close the class with meditation calm our mind and body.

Kundalini Yoga and Mindfulness Meditation
10:45 am - 12:15 pm
By Khushbir Sing and Gregla

Kundalini Yoga and Mindfulness Meditation Join Gregla and Khushbir for a collaborative class. Khushbir will introduce you to Kundalini Yoga and lead you through a Kriya to balance the mind, clear the energy pathways, and then into relaxation. Gregla will present a guided meditation based on the calm abiding aspect of mindfulness; bringing breath awareness and embodiment into attunement. We will do a moving meditation to close the class and send you off to enjoy lunch.Khushbir Bio: Khushbir loves to share what he has experienced in his over 25 years of practicing and teaching Kundalini Yoga all over the world and is always learning more in the process. He lives in Salt Lake City, Utah and travels to teach and take workshops worldwide. Some of his specialties include teaching students breathing techniques, postural alignment, and meditation. Khushbir has a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from the University of Utah with a focus on the nature of consciousness. Khushbir holds Kundalini Research Institute’s 500 hour and Level 3 teacher certifications. He is a professional trainer in the Aquarian Teachers Academy, Yogi Bhajan’s school for teachers of Kundalin Yoga.Gregla Bio: Homage to the Tathagata Having the good fortune to have been initiated into the blessings of the teachings and practice for a good portion of this lifetime, it seems appropriate to offer simple meditation guidelines in the context of this year’s yoga festival. Myself a student of Tibetan Buddhism for the past 20 years with an emphasis on Lojong or Mind Training in the Nyingmapa lineage and additional instruction and practice within the A-trid lineages of Bon Buddhism. I am honored to be a part of todays practice! Sarve Mangalam

Ananda Groove - flow yoga class
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
by Laura Adona

Laura has studied yoga for many moons throughout the galaxy. In her own daily practice she levitates, lays on beds of nails, and breathes fire. After spending 1000 days floating down the Ganga she realized that yoga should be practiced with a light heart and open mind. She is now a butterfly.Class Description: Ananda Groove Soothing rhythmic flow coupling breath with alignment. This class will pluck your heart strings and elevate the senses.

Active/Passive Partner Yoga
2:15 pm - 3:45 pm
by Marisa Wolfe

Bring more ease to your mat by exploring yoga with a partner. In this approach, one partner "receives yoga" while the other "gives yoga" through a deeply relaxing choreographed sequence. Coordinated breathing, easeful body-mechanics, and meditation make this a profound practice easily transferable to your personal practice on and off the mat. Suitable for all levels and abilities.Marisa Wolfe is a long-time Kripalu Yoga Teacher and massage therapist. She combines both loves through her speciality - Thai Yoga Massage. Her anatomy-based, playful classes emphasize the healing power of deep relaxation.

Healing without medicine workshop
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
by Dr. Girish Kalva

The incessant habit of consuming processed food and packaged drinks are dooming humanity. By 2025, half of the US population will be facing the problem of obesity. Eating unhealthy is also making people more vulnerable to a whole host of diseases.we strongly advocate an easy yogic lifestyle that is as close as you can get to nature. helps Learn to heal without having to go to doctors and/or use prescription medicines. We are, in essence, teaching you something quite unique…something that allows for healing without medicine. Our belief is that healthy eating can triumph all obstacles that make your life difficult and disease-prone.---------------- Girish Kalva, MD, Internal Medicine has finished medical school in 1996 and practiced in India, Jamaica(West Indies), Brooklyn(N.Y) and have been living in Salt Lake City,Utah for past eleven years.He has completed a residency in Internal Medicine in 2004, then recently a fellowship in Obesity Medicine. He has self trained himself in Nutrition and eventually completed a Plant based nutrition course from Cornell University.He has maintained a blog on the internet for past 3 years highlighting the importance of diet and healthy living to prevent, cure and treat diseases and get patients to quit taking pharmaceutical drugs.

Marriott City Center
9:00 am - 10:30 am
By Alan Siegel

Alan has been strolling ever so slowly down the Yogic road for nearly 57 years. In the 70s he studied the Practice of Bashti Yoga in India with Sri Sri Baba Aha Marjan Jairun. His classes have a subtle yet strong emphasis on emphasis. Join Alan for a peaceful, relaxing class that will stretch and strengthen your entire body. He will guide you through challenging poses and help you stay injury free. Leave this class feeling strong and LITE as a feather.

Balanced Focus | A practice to promote physical and mental balance
10:45 am - 12:15 pm
by Sarah Lindgren

Living yoga in balanced focus requires a clear and flexible state of mind. In this practice we will explore asana (poses), pranayama (breath) coupled with mindfulness to bring about balance in our daily lives. This is an active 8 limb yoga practice that calls upon full presence to create clarity. You can expect to link yoga poses with breath as well as to hold poses to promote strength and focus, these practices are designed to challenge your physical and mental attention. This active hatha/vinyasa class is accessible to all, if you prefer props in your practice blocks would be a useful addition. You will uncover your great strengths in physical practice through the art of balancing postures and a heighten sense of ease with mental focus.

Women's Empowerment Workshop with Creative Vinyasa
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
by Daysha Hampton

Women's Empowerment Workshop with Creative Vinyasa & Guided Introspection/MeditationWomen, come out to this workshop and flock together to build yourselves up personally and uniquely, individually and together as women. We will set a sacred feminine space to incorporate introspection, grounding, journaling, restorative movement and yoga flow, along with one of many group activities fitting to the women present and to what they share on this day. Come empower yourself through practices that take you further into your own self, and connect you with the feminine power of shakti. You’ll feel supported in this special workshop to take from it anything you need to assist you in any stage of life. Don't miss this workshop with Daysha Hampton. She is most certainly on a mission to empower women around the globe! Honored and grateful to lead you all in this workshop, Daysha will be looking forward to seeing you at the Downtown Yoga Festival in SLC!! Come as an offering to yourselfDaysha has experience teaching over 5,000 yoga classes, qualifying her for the highest level of E-RYT in the Yoga Alliance classification. With over 10,000 hours of yoga experience in total, she has taught hundreds of hours of sessions with private clients and various specific-population classes (such as kid’s, senior, prenatal, chair, therapeutic and trauma-specific yoga), as well as having worked with several athletes and teams. She taught yoga at the White House, along with at over 20+ government sites and at the IMF and other large, international banks. And she has worked with USSA for the last 2.5 years, teaching yoga, relaxation, and meditation/visualization with six of the USSA ski and snowboard teams, including rookie and pro athletes, and several Olympians (while working more personally with a few athletes).She loves teaching at international and regional yoga festivals including the Downtown Yoga Festival in SLC, YogaFort Festival (as a part of Treefort) in Boise, along with regional festivals in Logan, Utah, Idaho Falls, and Jackson, Wy where Daysha organized the Teton Wellness Festival in 2014. She has loved teaching Women’s Empowerment workshops the last few years at festivals abound, and she also loves leading her several year running Women’s Empowerment Retreat along with the Moab by Moonlight retreat for women, Adventure Yoga Retreats and her longstanding retreats to India, where she has led groups for ten years. She has also taught for the last few years at the International Festival of Traditional Yoga at Yoga Vidya Gurukul outside Nasik, India; she is grateful to be a primary teacher at her ashram of over 11 years in India. Daysha also helped in founding the SolYoga retreat company, and has led their retreats to India and Nicaragua.Daysha is the founder of the Idaho Yoga Co-op Non-Profit Inc. in its three locations in SE Idaho from Idaho Falls to Victor in Teton Valley. She has ran the Idaho Yoga Co-op’s 300hr (200hr + 100 continuing ed) traditionally-based yoga teacher training program for four years. Daysha is lucky to be one of few instructors from her primary school/ashram in India, Yoga Vidya Gurukul, allowed to utilize their training resources in her teacher trainings. She is proud of all the incredible work the co-ops coordinate with local, regional and international partners, as well as the incredible offerings the staff, workshop providers and wellness practitioners provide in this area and to the larger community in Idaho.

Yoga Nidra & Meditation
2:15 pm - 3:45 pm
by Santosh Maknikar

Yoga Nidra is about relaxing and releasing stress (physically and mentally). It will be rewarding and relaxing for both practitioner or non-practitioner. This class will be for all level to relax. Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation that will transport you to a state between wakefulness and sleep.It will take you the deep state of trance where the happiness can be found all the time. When you need that happiness just lie down, cover your eyes and let go.We will literally sleep in this class. ( Deepest state of trans with conscious mind! ) followed by meditation!---------------- Santosh was born in Latur, India and moved to the United States in 2005. He has been practicing since the age of 5 and from his love of yoga he created Yoga for People so that everyone on the planet can experience the healing benefits of yoga.Santosh has worked in Information Technology for several companies in India and the U.S. He co-founded Santosh Yoga Institite and other companies, is on the advisory board for Dayan Wardhini School and Makni Gram Vikas nonprofit organization.He currently resides in Salt Lake City, Utah and working in the area of Information Technology.

Mantra Meditation
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
By Rob Wallace

Mantra Meditation (meditation class): Learn the details of the timeless practice of mantra meditation, and walk away with three simple, yet potent meditation techniques you can apply in your everyday life. No experience with meditation is necessary to attend.Kirtan: Kirtan is a guided call and response singing of yoga mantras with musical accompaniment. It is a fun and heart warming meditation practice which uses spiritual mantras to satisfy our natural desires for peace and happiness at the very root. This program is for everyone, regardless of previous experience.Meditation SLC has been offering free meditation classes and gatherings around the Salt Lake City area since 2010. They provide a fun and welcoming atmosphere where people can explore the spiritual side of yoga, and apply this knowledge through meditation and an overall positive lifestyle.

Santosh Maknikar, Salt Lake City


Santosh was born in Latur, India and moved to the United States in 2005. He has been practicing since the age of 5 and from his love of yoga he created Yoga for People so that everyone on the planet can experience the healing benefits of yoga. 

Santosh has worked in Information Technology for several companies in India and the U.S. He co-founded Santosh Yoga Institite and other companies, is on the advisory board for Dayan Wardhini School and Makni Gram Vikas nonprofit organization. 

He currently resides in Salt Lake City, Utah and working in the area of Information Technology.

Laura Adona, Long Beach, California 


Laura has studied yoga for many moons throughout the galaxy. In her own daily practice she levitates, lays on beds of nails, and breathes fire. After spending 1000 days floating down the Ganga she realized that yoga should be practiced with a light heart and open mind. She is now a butterfly. 

Class Description: Ananda Groove

Soothing rhythmic flow coupling breath with alignment. This class will pluck your heart strings and elevate the senses.

Sarah Lindgren, Illinois 

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I wish to live in a world where people practice compassion, experience communicating face to face, believe in the power of peace, and enjoy the beauty of real food. I hope to teach people how to nurture themselves through these practices so they can truly love the life they live.

I began practicing yoga in 2006 while I was expecting my first daughter. That initial experience of self love and fully being present in my body, even with all of the crazy changes was truly profound! Since then I have found that a practice guided by my own intuition and the principals of the 8 limb path of yoga provides me with a deeper understanding of myself. I have also found this intuitive focus allows for a greater connectivity to those around me. I practice and teach because yoga gives you permission to be yourself, uncovered, and beautifully raw. I love the honesty of the yoga practice and how it demands self acceptance, which is truly the heart of this practice. As a Yoga Teacher I’ve been teaching yoga since summer of 2015, gaining 200 hour certification in 2016 from Moksha Yoga in Chicago, completing the program with more than 700 hours of training. 


Alan Siegel, Orange County, California 



Alan has been strolling ever so slowly down the Yogic road for nearly 57 years. In the 70s he studied the Practice of Bashti Yoga in India with Sri Sri Baba Aha Marjan Jairun. His classes have a subtle yet strong emphasis on emphasis.
Join Alan for a peaceful, relaxing class that will stretch and strengthen your entire body. He will guide you through challenging poses and help you stay injury free. Leave this class feeling strong and LITE as a feather. 

Dr.Girish Kalva, India

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Girish Kalva, MD, Internal Medicine has finished medical school in 1996 and practiced in India, Jamaica(West Indies), Brooklyn(N.Y) and have been living in Salt Lake City,Utah for past eleven years.

He has completed a residency in Internal Medicine in 2004, then recently a fellowship in Obesity Medicine. He has self trained himself in Nutrition and eventually completed a Plant based nutrition course from Cornell University.

He has maintained a blog on the internet for past 3 years highlighting the importance of diet and healthy living to prevent, cure and treat diseases and get patients to quit taking pharmaceutical drugs.

Marisa Wolfe, New Mexico 




Partner Yoga Practice
Bring more ease to your mat by exploring yoga with a partner. In this  approach, one partner "receives yoga" while the other "gives yoga" through a deeply relaxing choreographed sequence. Coordinated breathing, easeful body-mechanics, and meditation make this a profound practice easily transferable to your personal practice on and off the mat. Suitable for all levels and abilities.
Marisa Wolfe is a long-time Kripalu Yoga Teacher and massage therapist. She combines both loves through her speciality - Thai Yoga Massage. Her anatomy-based, playful classes emphasize the healing power of deep relaxation.

Daysha Hampton , Idaho


Daysha has experience teaching over 5,000 yoga classes, qualifying her for the highest level of E-RYT in the Yoga Alliance classification. With over 10,000 hours of yoga experience in total, she has taught hundreds of hours of sessions with private clients and various specific-population classes (such as kid’s, senior, prenatal, chair, therapeutic and trauma-specific yoga), as well as having worked with several athletes and teams. She taught yoga at the White House, along with at over 20+ government sites and at the IMF and other large, international banks. And she has worked with USSA for the last 2.5 years, teaching yoga, relaxation, and meditation/visualization with six of the USSA ski and snowboard teams, including rookie and pro athletes, and several Olympians (while working more personally with a few athletes).


Khushbir Singh, Salt Lake City


Khushbir loves to share what he has experienced in his over 25 years of practicing and teaching Kundalini Yoga all over the world and is always learning more in the process.   He lives in Salt Lake City, Utah and travels to teach and take workshops worldwide.  Some of his specialties include teaching students breathing techniques, postural alignment, and meditation.  Khushbir has a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from the University of Utah with a focus on the nature of consciousness. Khushbir holds Kundalini Research Institute’s 500 hour and Level 3 teacher certifications.  He is a professional trainer in the Aquarian Teachers Academy, Yogi Bhajan’s school for teachers of Kundalin Yoga.

Gregla, Salt Lake City


Homage to the Tathagata
Having the good fortune to have been initiated into the blessings of the teachings and practice for a good portion of this lifetime, it seems appropriate to offer simple meditation guidelines in the context of this year’s yoga festival.  Myself a student of Tibetan Buddhism for the past 20 years with an emphasis on Lojong or Mind Training in the Nyingmapa lineage and additional instruction and practice within the A-trid lineages of Bon Buddhism.  I am honored to be a part of todays practice!  Sarve Mangalam

Rob Wallace, Salt Lake City


Exploring Mantra Meditation (meditation class):
Learn the details of the timeless practice of mantra meditation, and walk away with three simple, yet potent meditation techniques you can apply in your everyday life. No experience with meditation is necessary to attend. 

Kirtan is a guided call and response singing of yoga mantras with musical accompaniment. It is a fun and heart warming meditation practice which uses spiritual mantras to satisfy our natural desires for peace and happiness at the very root. This program is for everyone, regardless of previous experience.